
Blog posts tagged with 'review'

Tan Hs recommends Amazing Confinement Care Centre.
Tan Hs  recommends Amazing Confinement Care Centre.
Thank you for the good hospitality, especially to Christine who has given plenty of information with regards to baby sitting and mummy self care. It is really good to be at here because as many information such breastfeeding, Mummy health, bathing my baby, etc which are very essential for first mummy. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the nannies who have really taken good care of my baby, the creative chefs and the Kakak who’s really hard working. Last but not least, thank you Christine for the wonderful baby picture! We like the picture so much!
Liew CL recommends Amazing Confinement Care Centre.
Liew CL  recommends Amazing Confinement Care Centre.
在这里享受了28天,回到家真是想念☺想念厨娘每天定时为我们准备的fine dining月子餐(一天五餐,每天都期待美味下午茶),帮手每天准备的药草冲凉水,包括每天卫生打扫、清洗衣物、无限量供应红枣水、每晚不同的补汤•••奶妈帮我们打理宝宝的一切,为我们争取最足够的休息时间,非常谢谢中心给于的宝贵建议和安排的课程,无论是母乳、母乳皂、宝宝洗澡教学课程都让大家受益良多,中心也会安排每两星期的医生上门门诊,任何问题都可以问医生或年轻但经验丰富的Christine小姐姐,感谢你为宝宝拍的精美写真🤩还有许多额外宝贵关于宝宝以后打针和胎毛笔的意见,在那里度过了特别有意义的圣诞节,谢谢中心有那么多赠品给我们带回家🤗
Shi Yi recommends Amazing Confinement Care Centre.
Shi Yi  recommends Amazing Confinement Care Centre.
转眼28天的过去了,我的小公主也胖了接近1kg,好快啊! 谢谢爱妈子团队的专业还有细心照顾。护理师都很有耐心和爱心,让我可以放心休息💕 在孕期时找了几家月子中心,对比一下,首选还是爱妈子月子中心,主因是我是新手妈妈,想要争取喂母乳,知识不够,担心容易放弃,在这里有有专业护理师的引导,让我有正确的概念和信心。😍 真心没选错家! 还有就是食物太吸引我啦!厨娘的用心和手艺,让我每一餐都吃得很好。赞!我会特别想念这里的甜点。。 谢谢Christine的帮忙和协调,还有帮bb拍了专辑,很用心❤️ 最后要赞下kakak,非常勤劳😊
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